7 strategies to help to manage the stress

What is stress and how it is affects you.
Stress occurs when there is an imbalance between demands made upon us and our
ability to cope with those demands. The level of stress a person feel depends on
their attitude as much as it does the coping mechanisms that they have in place.
However, stress is not always bad. Some people cope well with stress, even thrive
on it and use as a motivation to get things done. But when the term ‘stress’ is used
in a clinical sense, it refers to a situation where it causes discomfort and anxiety
for a person. This anxiety motivates physical and emotional problems.
So what is a “Fight or Flight” response?
According to traditional evolutionary psychologists, our modern brain function just
like caveman’s brain function. Because the human brain is so complex, it evolves
and changes at a very slow pace over a very long period of time. This idea is called
evolutionary gradualism. Our brain has the same coping mechanisms as caveman’s
brain. As soon as our senses perceive danger/or stress, immediately through
mind - body connection we get physiological changes in the body: You can run
very fast, your quadriceps are filled with blood and oxygen, Your heart rate
increases, your lungs and pupils dilate, take in more oxygen and see better, your
blood flow increases, But your digestion, reproductive organs and immune system
shut down. Because our subconscious mind don’t care about REST and DIGEST. It
only care how to survive.
In normal situation:
This perception of danger/stress (real or imaginary) meant to last only couple of
minutes or hours. So your body can naturally switch the Fight and Flight button
off, and switch Rest and Digest button on.
Unfortunately Our brain cannot tell the difference between PICTURE and REALITY
In our case of running your own business: Our brain doesn’t know the difference
between Tiger or Deadline in business. It reacts with the same physiological
response. The amygdala releases stress hormones (such as cortisol and adrenalin,
and nor-adrenaline) to prepare your body for fight or flight, even there is nothing
to run from, and nothing to fight.And because most of us stressing out on everyday basis: stress becomes chronic.As a result your amygdala is constantly pumping stress hormones into the blood stream.
Cortisol is extremely acidic in nature, and we only can survive having a PH 6.7 in
our body, it starts creating fatty cells to neutralise and prevent damage to protect
your vital organs around the stomach. As a result we put on weight around the
waist and that is why it is so difficult to lose weight around that area, as it is a
protective mechanism in your body.
Once the stress hormones runs down, your body starts using other hormones like
Progesterone and youth hormone called Human Growth Hormone, using them as
survival hormones to keep fighting an imaginary enemy.
As a result:
Decreased Immune System.
Digestive Problem
High Blood Pressure
Systemic Inflammation
Chronic Pain
In many years of practicing Kinesiology, I have learned many techniques including
chiropractic and physiotherapy to help people to overcome physical problems. But
no matter what I do in the treatment room, it always comes back to emotional
work. Thus, we need to retrain the body to switch on and off the Flight/Fight
response naturally. Otherwise, people will be keep coming and seeing the
practitioners for many years on a regular basis, with only temporary improvement
in their condition.
7 strategies to help to manage the stress:
1. Start with the basic
When you’re hungry, thirsty or tired, the littlest things can seem overwhelming.
Take a break. Get drink, grab a snack, or walk around the office every 30 mins.
Try to reduce the importance that you place on things.
Take Vitamin Bs, and Magnesium to reduce the effect of stress.
2. Breathe
Turn sighs of frustration into exhales of relief. When you find yourself sighing in
frustration, take the cue from your autonomic nervous system to turn those sighs
into exhales of relief. It's a simple way to tap your parasympathetic nervous
system and avoid boiling over:
Inhale through your nose for a count of 5, and exhale as if you're sighing with
relief, out of your mouth, for a count of 7 (or longer). Repeat for at least 90
Try to meditate. There are plenty of free short meditation tracks on Youtube, or
other media platforms
3. Sleep
Sleep in complete darkness, and make sure you get BRIGHT sun exposure regularly
first thing in the morning after you wake up. It help your pineal gland to produce
melatonin, responsible for a deep sleep.
- Use a low-wattage yellow, orange light at night like Salt Lamp. Bright lights can
shut down melatonin production.
- Take a hot epsom salt bath or shower 1 hour before bedtime
4.Get physical
Exercise will reduce stress. Find a workout that works for you, and use it to
manage stress.
5. Laugh
This is one of the best stress-busters of all. Laughter and positive attitude will
switch off the button for stress.
In the business sense:
6. Prioritise and know when to let go
Give yourself more time to do things by planning. When we can’t see what’s most
important, everything becomes important. Decide what is essential – get clear
purpose or goal – and suddenly you can eliminate lots of stressors.
Very important: Learn to say NO.
If you have a plethora things on your to-do-list? Write a list of everything that is
stressing you. Then ask, ‘If I could achieve just one thing on the list, which one
would I choose? What can wait 'til tomorrow?’
Focus on resolving one source of stress at a time, rather than being swamped by
everything at once.
7. Don’t overthink it, it creates irrational thoughts
Perfectionism generates unnecessary stress. While you do need sometimes plan B
in place, worrying about it cause is analysis paralysis and a stress spiral. List the
pros and cons of your choices; sleep on it if possible, so your brain has time to
process the options; then make a decision.
"If you can change your response to stress, you can stop it controlling you.”
See a Kinesiology Practitioner, who is able to keep you on track, and help to prevent the stress,
rather than managing it when it becomes a deeper mental health issue.
Elly G